Brace yourselves! Two posts in one week! I must be out of my mind! Honestly, I just am really started to love it!

I promised you all I would share with you what Tyler and I got ourselves for Christmas. It is something totally out of the norm for us both (well, more so Tyler, but whatever!) We bought a Wii! Neither one of us could think of what to get each other for Christmas. I have recently started to read a few coupon blogs and posted on those was an amazing deal on Amazon. I suggested it to Tyler and he was in! 

Part of the deal was to get a Wii Fit board too! This is part of my determination to lose weight before the wedding! Now as you can see in the picture, this girl looks way cooler than I do on it. (Hence why I didn't post a picture of myself!) I will say the Wii Fit has officially kicked my butt. The first night I "worked out" on it, I woke up at 1 AM with the worst leg cramp ever possible in all of time. No kidding. I will say, that little thing is very smart and A LOT of fun to "work out/play" on! Tyler has enjoyed playing to. We are looking now to get a good flying game for him.
Now we just have to find what to get everyone else for Christmas!
Tyler is off to Atlanta tonight. He has a big job interview there tomorrow. We are going to stay positive without counting the eggs before they hatch. Like I told him, if nothing else, this is good practice for future ones! Being the local HR guru, I promised to practice some questions with him tonight when he calls.
Tomorrow will be my stupendious sister, Sarah's birthday! She will be 27! Hard to believe we are so grown up now! I will be making the trek to Nashville again on Saturday to celebrate with the family.

Happy Birthday, Sarah!
Thanks for the birthday shout out! Next time let's leave the age off! :)