The holiday season is well underway! Tyler and I had a successful Thanksgiving holiday full of food and traveling across the Middle and East parts of Tennessee. It's a good thing we love this state!
Tyler and I started off cooking a marvelous Thanksgiving breakfast at Nanny's house in Athens. I made my famous leaf wreath! So good! I love semi-homemade recipes from Sandra Lee!

Then on Friday, Tyler experienced his first Black Friday shopping experience. My mom, Sarah, Tyler, and I started at 5:00 am at Target. Let me explain to you how we Black Friday shop. We never want any of the big ticket items, we simply go to enjoy the start of the Christmas season! Tyler and I did get a couple good deals on accessories for our Christmas present to each other. (I am saving that one for another post!)

After a few days in Nashville we headed back to Athens to help put up Nanny's Christmas tree and lunch with Cousin Harry. Harry gave me this little pitcher to match some of the Hobnail that my Grandmother has given me from her collection.

Now to photo update you from things I hadn't posted lately.
And this photo is from the UT/Vandy game! Notice I have on no orange. I decided to wear black and gray. A neutral color so I wasn't SUCH a Vandy fan in the UT skybox!
This is going to be my craft in the coming weeks! I am super excited! I have already recieved my crystals (via the mail of course!) Now I just have to apply them! You will have to wait to see the after shot until the wedding! (Only 6 1/2 months away!)
LOVE THEM! You are probably wondering why I have already ordered them. Well, you see.....being the bargain shopper that I am, they were on sale!
Tyler and I started off cooking a marvelous Thanksgiving breakfast at Nanny's house in Athens. I made my famous leaf wreath! So good! I love semi-homemade recipes from Sandra Lee!

Tyler cooked 3 lbs of bacon, 2 lbs of sausage, almost 3 dozen eggs, 2 dozen biscuits, and gravy. All with a Mayfield's apron on of course! I helped too!

Tyler and I with all of his cousins!

Then we were off to Nashville to eat dinner with my family!

After a few days in Nashville we headed back to Athens to help put up Nanny's Christmas tree and lunch with Cousin Harry. Harry gave me this little pitcher to match some of the Hobnail that my Grandmother has given me from her collection.

Now to photo update you from things I hadn't posted lately.
Tyler and I had the priviledge of helping our friends Leanne and Brandon get engaged! Here is a sweet picture right after it happened.
Tyler and I have attended several UT games this fall. Here are a few from the past couple.

Those fall leaves were too pretty not to take a picture!

Those fall leaves were too pretty not to take a picture!

I have recently discovered that I love shopping online. Even more I love mail. The shopping online really helps with the getting mail part! I recently got our cake topper in the mail thanks to Crafty Eddie of Georgia. Here is the before shot:

Also, another surprise on my doorstep last night was another package from an online order! Our personalized napkins for the wedding! Here is a sneak peak of one of the designs:

And, if you recall from an earlier post, today being December 1, the Save the Dates go out TODAY! Whoo Hoo!!! Here is the stack that I am handing over into the hands of our lovely postal service! All 258 of them to Kentucky, Kansas, Georgia, Ohio, Virginia, Alabama, Florida, California, and of course all over Tennessee.

Merry Christmas Y'all! -ECM(F)
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