It was Tyler's Grandfather's car. He looks a little upset in this picture but I think he enjoyed a little extra "flare" to his car!

Tyler LOVES to wave!

I think this would be the moment that I got a mouth full!

Zach had somewhat helped me make all the paper cones. He also made a special one for him that was the biggest one. He also proceeded to fill it very full of the snow. Which all went on Tyler's head!

That stuff went everywhere! But, it was totally worth every minute of it!

A few pictures before we left....

And we were off!

A little know fact.... we just drove around the block! We had to bring Ray back his car, and we were staying at the hotel! So, we can back in the hotel and said our goodbyes to our families before they left.
It was all over. 13 months of planning was over in 4 hours but it was a day I will always remember. And, the best part, I got the most wonderful husband out of it! I might dare to say it was the best wedding ever... but I am a little bias!
This concludes the wedding recaps!
A great series of posts! :)